Rebooting Term 2
Term 2 is always hectic!
20 planned and assessed small group sessions, and 50+ hrs of 1:1 support on site.
Whether Forest School is attached to an actual school or an independent business, there is a lot happening around it.
Community-wise, there are events like Halloween, Bonfire Bight, Remembrance, Diwali, and Advent to draw on or embrace.
Season-wise, Autumn begins to fade quickly, there are leaves and seeds and nuts to acknowledged, work with, or even relocate, harvesting fades away, hibernation preps all around, caring for wildlife becomes more evident.
Weather-wise, it's a roller coaster of the bizarre and unpredictable! It does get colder but fluctuates, the wind brings in storms that damage, the clouds dump seemingly endless amounts of water onto sites, and frost brings a bite to the air. Maybe even snow!
It's a couple of months of adjustment from a milder, brighter Summer/Autumn transition to the spiralling out of colourful Autumn into a stark and sparkling Winter.
The only issue the passing of time regularly throws up is clothing! In September the sun was out and it was 19°c and T Shirt weather, in December, the sun is out and it's 3°c and it's definitely NOT T Shirt weather!
Considering this is Britain, a 'Green and pleasant land', and we are based in Kent, the 'Garden of England', Brits are very bad at being prepared for the weather!
All night rain means wellies are necessary, all weekend weather means consider a snorkel as well!
Putting away Summer clothes signifies the dreaded moment you accept it has gone! We cling on to them for far too long! But as Autumn drips into Winter it is time to re-boot with wellies and ever increasing pairs of socks!
Fitting Forest School around a school schedule is always a challenge but so very worth it!
Plus, accommodating everything Forest School entails adds in extra fun.
Since November started we've had 7 weeks of Term, which included 14 Year 2 sessions, 14 Year 4 sessions, 14 Year 6 sessions, and 14 eyfs sessions.
It also included 4 training days supporting FSLI Skills Training for adults who are studying to qualify as Forest School Leaders,
4 Stay & Play Toddler sessions,
We've also had to deal with having slats blown off our wooden shelter, fallen, boughs and ridiculous quantities of litter tossed about our site!
The children have been busy, they have built platforms in trees, litter picked dozens of bags of rubbish, used tools and skills to create dens and decorations, and explored their environment with an eagerness to preserve and protect.
We've packed in as many activities as we can to facilitate moving through the progression of skills we work from, taking advantage of whatever the seasons and weather throw our way!
Finally, and it's been a long time coming...
Term has come to a end - not with a whimper but a bang!
And now it is time for us all to re-boot. To power down, rest, enjoy, have fun, spend time with friends and family, hibernate, hide from the world, go on holiday, or do whatever it takes to find peace and joy this season!
Next term our everchanging timetable will evolve again and we kick off the new year with differing session times, but the same ol' Forest School!
So take care of YOU this school break,nurture and nourish yourself, and here's to an exciting 2025 ahead
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