Term 1 2024

Our Forest School life has been busy - ridiculously BUSY!

Keeping the weekly Blog going became impossible, so now we are at the end of Term 1, we're going to recap everything that's happened since the summer holidsys ended, and how we continue to juggle school, community, and training, whist being as child focused and child led as possible! 

After a Summer 'resting' our grounds had grown 4m brambles, 2 metre stinging nettles, and tunnels in the bushes grew and merged closed! When September dawned we had a huge amount of site maintenance to do before we could even consider any site development!

Once 60% of it was complete it was safe enough to hold sessions there and Chartham Pupils started their trek outdoors. This year we're trialling a different timetable for providing them session.

In Term 1, years 1, 3, & 5 have had Forest School. We are a two-form entry school so both classes in the year group are out at the same time, but on different sites with different FSLs.

Joamna provides sessions for Maple and Sycamore Classes at the Copse site, and Mr Leeks provides sessions for Holly and Magnolia Classes at our Under The Trees site.  They both support Year 1's Birch and Chestnut Classes together in a session Under the Trees.

Across the weeks we've explored:

Cave painting

Mud recipes


Season changes






Tool use

In the dedicated site time allocated, FSLs have been developing the activities available to the children.

Chartham Primary has become a Turner School. The transition is ongoing, and all staff are learning procedures and systems. Forest School is not exempt! Out of the eight schools in the Turner trust, five have established Forest School provision, and we now support and lead those who require it, with the aim that all schools can offer rich and meaningful sessions. 

As an organisation we are looking carefully at sustainability, and our carbon footprint on the world, and are actively working towards completing the criteria required to qualify as an Eco School. This ventures is exciting and Forest School can support the process outdoors by helping children understand their environment better

New wildlife ponds

Discovering caterpillars

Close encounters with Bumble Bees

Enjoying Autumn colours

Finding something new

Watching spiders spin webs

Enjoying the seasons

Meanwhile, at Chartham, we have continued Stay & Play Sessions for families in the community. We trialled these this time last year, and the toddlers who joined in had a wonderful time, and then ran groups across the Summer Term. We started this new school year with sessions for carers and pre-schoolers timetabled, and there will be more available next Term.

These will take a break in the new year, but will be back in the Spring.

We continue to work closely with Forest School Learning Initiative, trainers, and providers in their own right. Term one ended  with Level 3 Forest School Leader students at Chartham for their first two days of face-to-face training. 

The students FSLs will be back straight after half term, and then again in December! Amongst them are two students who work at Turner School. Mrs Dunham who will be delivering Forest School at Martello School in Folkestone, and our very own Mrs LeFevre, who will be joining our Forest School Team! 

We will have four Level 3 qualified staff at Chartham by the end of the school year. Whilst Forest School Lead Joanna Hinson delivers Stay & Pay, class sessions, and small groups, within Chartham, she also supports the Level 3 training and delivers sections of the CPD conference. 

FSLI also held a Forest School Conference on Chartham Grounds. The opportunities for Forest School and Outdoor Learning practitioners to access CPD in Kent are few and far between, so we are very happy to help make this happen. it supports our growing alumni of previous students as well as local Forest School providers from other schools and organisations.

The day was amazing as the opportunity to create a feast 'From Forage to Fork' through trying child-friendly recipes for campfire cooking, took up the morning, and after lunch practitioners had the chance to review the latest legislation changes that may need recording in their hand books, plus the opportunity to try out a few tool skills that may have gone a little rusty!

Mr. Leeks continues to deliver sessions to classes and groups, plus some 1:1 focuses, alongside his TA role in school, while Mrs Tuff mixes her Forest School skills with her understanding of Child Development to support small groups of children in the Woodland Classroom and outdoor space. 

Next term, Years 2, 4, & 6 will commence sessions, Stay and Play will continue, the lovely Apple Class (St. Nicholas SEND School's pupils) will continue their weekly foray into basecamp, and more small groups will take advantage of our growing commitment to outdoor learning.

In Term three we'll be embracing that commitment by inviting FSLI back to provide a two day, 16 hour, Paediatric & Forest School First Aid Course!

And across.the year we aim to see taking learning outdoors more routine for ALL year groups, and all classes.

We do post photos, videos and information onto social media most days, so please have a look for us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram

We are always happy to accommodate visitors, can negotiate taster sessions for schools who cannot facilitate Forest School themselves, or who are considering it, and are frequently available to come and offer advice on developing or implementing Forest School on your site.

It's been a long term, with another one waiting in the wings! 

However, we know the next two months are going to gallop past and it'll be THAT festive time of year again in what will feel like the blink of an eye!

Please be aware that there are some open days coming up for parents to come and look around the Primary School, building and grounds, which means Forest School too!

Please contact the school office if you are interested in visiting on the morning of November 5th, 7th, or 12th.

Otherwise, we'll catch up in December!


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