My Scilly Trip - the best hump day ever

Wednesday. Hump day to all those working, penultimate Forest School Day at Chartham during term, and 3 days before we leave on Friday early evening. 

Now there are 3 of us, and our plan for today was to chill... but, one of our number is a Gig rower and helps to sail boats around Falmouth and spends all her time at the Harbour bumping into people she knows! And yesterday a friend of hers asked if we'd like to sail to St. Agnes for lunch...

We all thought long and hard for about 2 seconds and then said 'yes' and 'Thank You' and bounced out of bed this morning like children at Christmas!

We spent a good 20 mins eyeing all the boats in the harbour trying to decide which one we would be on, but soon enough John took us on the little boat out to clamber on board the LIMPET.

There was hardly any breeze so it was a lovely relaxing slow drift across the blue and into the turquoise transparent bay. With nothing to do bar listen to the swell rise and fall, the boat cut through the sea, and the bubbles swishing alongside us.

Compass jelly fish floated by, and as the sea floor rose we could watch the kelp and Seagrass beneath us.

When we arrived ate and then went for a swim, yes the water was freezing, but you do acclimatise quickly, and watching tiny fish dart between your ankles as you stroll out, and bigger ones swerve to give you space as you swim, is too good an opportunity to ignore!

Soon it was time for another gentle paced journey back, this time with porpoise jumping a 100m or so away from us. Cormorants bobbed on the waves, the sand made.the sea glitter, and the sun made everything shimmer.

It was a lesson in mindfulness:

Listening to birds and ocean.

Watching the shore and sky.

Smelling the seaweed and fresh air.

Tasting the salt on your lips.

Trailing fingers in the water while feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin...

I can heartily recommend it!


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