Forest School Adventure (part 13)

That's it.


Not the Forest School but my part in it. 4 full all-day sessions and an induction. The chance to work alongside other fully qualified Forest School Leaders, swap ideas, share skills, and work with children from Nursery through to 14 year olds who ALL want to explore.

Isle of Scilly Forest School has the most incredible setting on St. Mary's, and the holiday sessions are open to locals and visitors. The rarity of the 8 days offered makes it an extra special event on the island, and there are many people who go out of their way to support it.

Nine volunteers have been housed by the community, group meals have been offered, cakes baked, chocolates given. People I spoke to on days off were all enthusiastic about it, and spoke fondly of it, whether it was because their child has attended this August or because they used to.

The children have been a mixture of residents to St. Mary's, children from other islands, friends or cousins here for a holiday, or siblings who know no one... 

Some of the children knew the a couple of the helpers but mostly it was staffed by strangers, and they adapted very quickly and very well.

Katie is the resident Forest School Leader who organises this 'holiday club' each year, and it is both a huge feat AND a labour of love.

Although she sometimes doubts what she is providing, enjoys returning to tried and tested activities, and always questions what is planned, the children are engaged, busy, free to create their own games and entertainment, are constantly on the move, and smile all day.

So do the volunteers! 

Everyone finished their days tired but happy (always a sign of a good Forest School day!) and pleased to have been part of it.

Next year Katie will again be logistically trying to organise travel, accommodation, induction, and schedules for volunteers. Plus the register of all the children who sign up.

If I'm really lucky, I'll be here too!


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