A Word From The Rest Of The Bubbles

This last week of term has been a week of Campfires and treats. For so long we haven't attempted a fire because of air quality, the increased risk to needing to call emergency services, and because it has been so dry! But rain and an easing of advice from The Fire Service meant that this week all 12 Bubble classes got to pond dip, sit by a fire, eat some treats, and discuss what they like best about Forest School....

Orange Bubble... Discovering newts Watching the frog Holding a water boatman Climbing trees Climbing high Climbing upside down Peeling twigs Whittling wood Building dens Running fast Digging deep Racing on the tyres Lovely treats Butterflies Survival...

Purple Bubble Love holding baby newts Playing with friends Making up stories Love Trees Leaf matching Branch climbing Playing all together Having treats 'If the others were here they would be so happy!'

Red Bubble like

Making dens Climbing trees Swinging on ropes
Exploring in unknown places Whittling sticks and winding handles Digging for clay Finding new places Talking to mates Newts are cute Seeing new stuff Doing this - with treats

Black Bubble like
Wildlife Hide and seek And talking Digging Climbing trees And talking Finding new paths Racing And talking Campfires Treats Talking

Dark Green Bubble like...
Racing on the tyres
Climbing the biggest trees
Exploring in the undergrowth

Coming face to face with a fox
Digging holes
Holding newts

Swinging like a chimpanzee
Forest School treats
Chasing butterflies

Counting frogs
Mallows and biscuits
Hot choc

Pink Bubble likes

Exploring every corner

Learning something new
Building Villages
Climbing trees

Working together
Sitting in the sun
Digging deep holes

Finding fox holes
Fishing for newts
Making smores


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