A Word From the Chidren

This week we finished the school year with 
a campfire for each bubble. 
The children enjoyed a little wildlife appreciation then toasted a marshmallow (which they never get bored of doing) had a mug of hot chocolate, and enjoyed a biscuit before heading back to the end of year celebrations inside. While we shared our treat we all discussed what we liked best about Forest School... And this is what they had to say:

Y1 Green Bubble like:

Pond dipping 
 Wriggling tadpoles 
Frogs & toads & newts with tiny toes 

 Climbing trees that are wide and strong
Swinging in the hammock
Playing chase through the long grass
Running faster than my friends
Finding woodlice under logs

We love hot chocolate
And especially mallows!! 
We love everything!

YR White Bubble like:
Chasing fast
Hidden paths
Climbing high
Balancing on tyres
The mud kitchen
Digging down deep

Finding secret hills
We even like learning
Playing and laughing
And, and, and, everything!
We like the campfire
Hot Chocolate and melted mallows

YR Silver Bubble like:

Jumping on the Tyres
Climbing trees
The mud kitchen mess

Higher and higher
Mixing mud pies
Digging for worms

Exploring all over the place
Swinging on the rope swing
I like fire when it pops

Looking in the pond for newts
I like the stinky smoke
I like mallows when they get crunchy on the fire

Y3 Blue Bubble like:

Making things
Whittling sticks
Swinging on the ropes

Racing along tyres
Bird watching
Mud kitchen cakes

Finding newts
Holding tadpoles
Planting trees and flowers

Hot choc 
The best day ever!

YR Yellow Bubble Like:

Bug hunting
Finding Grasshoppers
Watching for Frogs

Pond dipping
Holding newts
(Gotta be fast)

Secret tunnels
And pathways

Finding animal homes
Climbing trees
Eating marsh mallows

Y6 Gold Bubble like:

Jumping on Tyres
Climbing trees
Higher and higher

The mud kitchen
Not being scared of bugs
Mixing mud pies

Swinging on the swing
Exploring all over
Looking in the pond

Catching newts
Chatting with everyone
watching the sky

I like the fire crackling
I like the smoke curling
I like Mallows oozing


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