Forest School and Social Distancing

The space is there for them to move around in, there are multiple trees offering climbing opportunities, but children do like to form groups and interact. Trying to stop them is to go against human nature and requires a lot of discussion, reminding, nagging....
I've said before that part of our assessment is the fact that Covid-19 spreads slower outside. The wind and air circulates the virus quickly and UV light from the sun helps destroy it, so based on the current scientific advice, a 9 acre space with sky for a ceiling and no obvious walls is probably the safest school environment for children and staff

There are sticks and branches, a few pallets and the odd tyre for building dens, we have cut back some of the shrubs to allow new paths and tunnels to explore, and we are creating some basic den structures to add to and adapt.

This is a compromise.
Forest School usually starts from scratch and returns the woods to their original status, but right now the need to try to keep the children apart is the biggest consideration.

The children have all responded well to having this version of Forest School, to being outside. They are working together, they are mostly distancing, they are certainly staying within their 'bubble', and they are stumbling across new things to explore and learn, and discovering old skills they can use different ways.

They are fascinated by grass taller than themselves and every new sound and sight that flits past. They are discovering their muscles, using their senses, learning the boundaries of their own bravery - and testing themselves.
KS1 are loving the bugs. Having been outside for a set of Forest School sessions before they revel in reciting Forest School Rules and love exploring and creating something new
KS2 so far have needed to just be OUT! The eldest are enjoying forging new areas to claim as their own, while many of the others are creating distanced chase games and literally developing 'tribes' with 'villages', trading rules, and an never ending movable set of 'laws'!!
Every bubble has been eager to be outside and returns back to their safe space dishevelled, with grass in their hair and dirt on their hands and smiles on their faces. It's going to be hard to decipher exactly what good it is all doing - but it definitely seems to be having a positive effect.
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