Looking Forward to a New School Year

Possibly due to a background in Early Years Education, I have always championed outdoor learning. There is nothing you can teach inside that can't be moved outside. Even if it is simply taking clipboards onto a patc h of grass and delivering the lesson that would have been in a classroom to pupils in the open air. For instance, a dapting your Autumn story-writing to include a walk in the woods so children HEAR the crunch of leaves, SEE the Autumn colours, SMELL the rain and mulch, TOUCH the shiny conkers, FEEL the breeze, WATCH their misted breath.... before asking them to write descriptive sentences, links indoor learning to outdoor. Growing food and plant life cycles are so much easier to teach, and to understand, when it's actually happening! Basing a topic around a pond on school grounds, or local to the building, with daily visits and monitoring of wildlife, recording of changes, writing of poems, drawing from observation... is reliant on the outdoors Whether inc...