50 things to do with a stick....

I seriously have no idea how long 'Lockdown' has been going on!
For me personally I go into work when needed and take a #DailyWalk for exercise and sanity!

Easter merged in and out of term time and despite keeping to a routine and filling a large part of the day with online training, the days merge too.

Each day I make sure the school's facebook page has an outdoor/wildlife activity to post. I've caught up on all planning and filing for our Woodland Trust, RSPB and RHS awards, as well as the children's RFC Junior Forester certification!

I'm not bored but I am frustrated because online 'learning' of Forest School doesn't overlap easily!

So for any one who has a garden, a nearby open space, access to a wood or park and can SAFELY manage a Daily Walk I offer up an interesting an useful list of things to go with a stick!

 I hope you get to have a little fun! And if you get to run any outdoor sessions - which will be so very needed after all this time inside - maybe some of these ideas can be incorporated into your time outdoors!


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