Forest School At Home

To be perfectly truthful, even without being a Forest School purist, you have to admit that doing Forest School at home is ranges from difficult.... to impossible.

You cannot assume every child has access to outside space, even concrete, let alone access to space inside to achieve any activity that translates into a Forest School ethos of risk taking, freedom of choice, routine, nature, fresh air, space, cooperation etc
But activities that include wildlife and the great outdoors can be adapted.

Birds can be fed from a window sill, a garden, or strung on a branch on open land,
 Sticks can be found almost anywhere and decorated and hung inside or outside,
 Old water trays with holes, dirty, past their best sand trays, or any old large plastic tubs make a great flower or herb bed, even salad or veg can be planted. In the garden, on a balcony, or if a small enough tub can be found - indoor growing is possible!
 Not strictly Forest School, but again using soda bottles or water bottles, weighted with a little soil, sand, gravel or even cooking salt, decorate and go bowling! No ball - try a rolled up sock and make it more like a coconut shy! Again - indoor or out
And if you are lucky enough to find scrap wood - sliding off a skip of from one of those endless sort outs we all seem to be intent on, with a little adult supervision a hedgehog house is possible fairy easily. Actually, if you have a cuddle toy hedgehog at home, have a go at making a cardboard one from old boxes!
There's plenty more once I have a long look through all my resources. Usually these are ideas squirreled away to be adapted or starting points - but now they might fill a little bit of time at home!


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