I think I need to list all that's going on! It's the only way I am going to keep track!
  • Our RHS Garden Gang has made it to the School Garden Level 3 with help from our Eco club that gives up some of their lunch time on a Tuesday and our Monday afternoon Gardening Gang. Between them all the poly tunnel is brimming with seeds beginning to burst into tiny seedlings
  • Our RSPB Big School Birdwatch results are heading into cyberspace. The feeders are clean and full, the bird boxes have twigs and grasses near by to aid nest building, and access to clean water is solved!
  • We have made our very first bat box! We need lots more - and then a very, VERY long ladder... There is an area perfect for a bats that we'd like to enhance
  • The Junior Forester Groups are awaiting the delivery of the Woodland Trust trees next month so they can experience planting trees along with planting seeds and willow whips
  • Our Year 1 Forest Schoolers had their very first Forest School Campfire. They had stories around the crackling Flames in the run up to Christmas, but this time they got to toast some marshmallows too! I swear the staff have more fun than the kids!

  • Year 3 and 4 finished their six sessions of Winter Forest School and got to help create the campfire... on the understanding that they too could have mallows!
  • The overhang of Storm Ciara meant it was still windy on Monday - but luckily after the visit from the Tree Surgeons the gusts last weekend did little damage. In fact Year 5 helped to collect up lots of fallen twigs for Year 2 to use in making mobiles! 
  • Year 5 have also helped dig in some post to refresh the Wildlife Garden. We have plans to make this quiet area a reflective space

  • The wooden roundhouse is complete and the outdoor classroom is ready for use! The wildlife garden it is set in is a work in progress and always will be. Hopefully as Spring takes over from winter it will bloom in all different kinds of ways

  • Here comes the February holiday! I think we all need a rest! We're hoping to be ready for the tree planting next term, and creating a new hedge, for transferring seedlings, for protecting the wildflowers and bulbs that are starting to grow, and for all the prep work for Outdoor Classroom Day, The Great Litter Pick, and a Wildlife Week, all before the end of term!
I'm off to enjoy a good book by a beach!

And of course if anyone wants to join in the journey we have teamed up with www.fsli.co.uk to host Forest School Level 3 Training - check out the Canterbury Venue on their website and you could get to have a cuppa in the new outdoor classroom!


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