Busy Busy Busy

The easing into the new year is over!

Our RHS School Challenge zipped past level 1 and 2 since term started because we have raised beds and a poly tunnel to utilise - the children are excited! We have a knowledgeable volunteer and a dedicated teacher eager to expand it's use and some equipment to repurpose!

Meanwhile Storm Brendan hit Kent and brought down an old Elder Tree and took up a lot of time managing the crown which was now a tangle of twigs at face level! Now it's prone the children can still climb all over it, and the tree surgeon will look it over next week to see what is salvagable! Some roots are still earth bound so it may survive, plus a fallen trunk provides a home for huge numbers of minibeasts, and any bough that need removing can be repurposed in Forest School!

The vehicle built by Year 5 is now attached to the Bug Tower to create what they call 'The Buggy'! A great storytelling prompt alongside a lot of very real insects!

And a bird table made of twigs that year 3 squashed bird seed mixed with lard into is an investigation to see if the birds like the format - and a concerted effort NOT to add plastic to the woods

Yep - it's been a busy week!


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