Bug Life

The wildlife Garden needs quite a bit of taming one way or another. Despite a lot of it being left to nature the shallow soil and occasional class visit has done little to encourage wildlife into the area. So the Year 4 Forest School Group decided they would like to help build a 'Bug House'. The prep work - lugging large pallets was not their remit - but after that, the design was mainly theirs.

The children enjoyed finding things to go in the drawers that we added: feathers and charcoal and pine cones etc.
We also downloaded and laminated some information sheets from the Woodland Trust. We aren't keen on adding plastic to the environment but for now it's the only way we can prolong the life of information we want readily available. There are alternatives, and hopefully further along this rewilding journey we can fundraise to supply a more ecologically sound way to display information.

We will add to the structure as time goes on. The children had lots of good ideas on what might and might not work as a home for Minibeasts, which is why it is a 'Bug House' and not a 'Bug Hotel'. The children decided they want a permanent home for insects and invertebrates of all kinds, not a place for them to visit! 

So we will monitor over the next few weeks and see what we can find.


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