The Year 3 Forest School Group wanted to help with the Wildlife Area, so they thought about how they could encourage birds into the 'garden'. The felt that an abundance of bugs would probably be a big draw, but also wanted to offer an alternative to watching the birds eat all the Minibeasts the Bug House could attract!

So - and we are so proud of them for doing this - 2 of the group went home for the weekend and looked at bird boxes they have in their own garden, using these as a template they worked hard with family members to have bird boxes from scrap wood, and they brought them into school to use in the Wildlife area.

So we now have two bird boxes, and two bird feeders.

We also cut back the overgrown whips on the willow tunnel by our raised beds and planted it to create a square. When it grows it will fill out and the perfect 'hide' for watching the birds - and as we soaked it first - it grew shoots in a week!


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