
Go Outdoors

We all get the idea that going outside for a walk is good for us. Fresh air, moving muscles, blood pumping... Physically it is great for toning muscles and even losing weight, but the overwhelming evidence demonstrates that it does far more for our wellbeing than just boosting our bodies! As Mental Health Awareness Week is coming up, it seems a good time to look at all the proven benefits of being outdoors. Both for children and for adults. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here, but I will include links that help prove the point for those of you who need to convince others elsewhere For Children the benfits come from fresh air in developing lungs, immune-system building microbes from soil, resilience due to seasons and weather, space to move, and endless things to discover which feed their minds and grow their curiosity! It sets the tone for being active for life , and stimulates their need to explore and investigate for themselves - learning. It builds confidence. ..


When it comes to providing activities and experiences in Forest School we try hard to stick to things that we COULDN'T do inside. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but it is guidance. Taking lots of equipment outdoors doesn't feel child led, nor does it feel too much like Forest School. There will always be information to access and equipment to support exploring, but beyond reference books and sheets, magnifiers, binoculars, and bug pots very little is a staple.  Tools are available, that can just be yarn and scissors, peelers, palm drills, or something that needs much closer supervision. There are digging areas and mudkitchens on each site, swings, and platforms, as well as access to climbing.  We do offer opportunities to weave, tie knots, create a nature table, and plant. We may suggest den building or hide and seek. We will respond to requests for litter-pickers, or pond dipping, or whatever activity on site we can accommodate, with support and with equipment. When a ch

Come say Hello!

We have a lot of visitors at Forest School.  Plenty are of the feathered and furred variety, and the children love meeting them! But, we also have lots of people coming and going. This week (and next) we have a group of students on their Level 3 Forest School Leader Course. We team up with Forest School Learning Initiative a couple of times a year, we provide the space and the support tutoring, and FSLI provides almost twenty years of training experience on 3 continents, in several countries! It's great having students around as it's impossible NOT to view everything we do through their eyes as new and different! Which is always a great perspective! We also have some much smaller visitors in the form of children from the Nursery next door! Again, watching them need very few activities, and to just revel in the freedom of exploring for themselves is a timely reminder as to why we actually do this!  Last weekend we did a little visiting of our own and took the opportunity to mee


Things have been so busy we have pretty much abandoned writing a blog! Winter does seem to be developing into Spring, all the signs are there, and the weather is being very kind (at least here in Kent!), but there's always the concern that frost will come and ice will kill off all that has started to bloom. The Terms are flying by, how are we approaching two-thirds of the way through the school year already?  Not only does Christmas feel a bit like a fortnight ago, but the September start certainly doesn't feel like it was six months past!  Forest School is a constant no matter what, and we continue to take classes outside whatever the schedule, as well as co-plan Forest School training provision and hosting First Aid, and juggle the school's needs with offering more to the community. We are a team. There are three of us delivering sessions. Two FSLs have an additional role in school and our Forest School Lead deals with Forest School only. Even with a shared workload there

Making Sense

To fully understand how children learn we need to understand how they experience that learning. A lot of what we as adults have learned in life feels innate. Most of us don't remember being taught to walk or talk, we don't necessarily remember being taught to hold a pencil or crayon, or how to wash ourselves. We just 'know' these things. Yes, for some of us, these skills were trickier than others, but if we have 'mastered' them, we do them without a second thought.  We never had planned 'lessons' in tidying up, most of us started when we were small by putting things back in a toy box, hopefully as a game! Yes, it may have been a struggle once putting things away ceased to be fun, but we all understand the concept - even if we're not good at it! I appreciate there are factors surrounding something this' simple' which means even as adults there is a vast scale of who does and doesn't do this well...! In education, we go through waves of 

Stormy weather

At the risk of sounding even older than I actually am "We have way more storms than we uses to"! Which may or may not be statistically true, but definitely a lot more have impacted our Forest School since 2021 than before. (Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning!) Often, these charge in overnight or at weekends leaving me tip-toeing onto site to see what damage has been done. Frequently they gather pace at 4pm leaving the school day clear from session, and sometimes, the gods are smiling and they blow themselves out in the morning before the first class is due on site! They always make their mark though. Torn parachutes, flapping tarps, tree debris everywhere, litter blown in, on one occasion a 6ft trampolines rolling across the school. Field... There's the risk assessment required to ensure the site is fit for use, and damage to manage or remove. We're never totally unscathed! Sitting on a plateau at the edge of the South Downs doesn't help. The wind rush