Autumn Learning - STEM
Getting Both Outdoor Learning and Forest School ready for the next few months when the days shorten and the weather turns cold is a busy time. Getting the actual spaces ready as well as the activities is a juggle, fitting in the prep and planning around actually taking the children for sessions is almost impossible! A lot of thinking on your feet is required! And involving the children is a given. The Wildlife Garden is by no means ready but the bare bones of what is needed is in place to build on. This was achieved by two weeks of 3 Forest School sessions a day for four days each week, including all classes from Year 1 to Year 6, and laying the foundations of how the area needs to be looked after. The children also joined in the maintenance and improvements to the area. A sudden 'Indian Summer' sent the temperature up and the sunshine out and the children's enthusiasm blossomed. Obviously, after both a six week Summer break for some, and a 5 month break from school from p...